Communities and Business
The communities that surround the Chase have a strong connection to it, and the area plays a central part in their sense of place and identity.
The Chase serves local communities as a place to take part in recreation, relax and enjoy. The AONB can help people with particular needs, such as, long-term health and limited access to local greenspace where they live. More could be achieved through social prescribing by the health and social care services, outdoor or classroom learning by schools and colleges, or vocational and skills development by training providers and businesses.
There are also numerous businesses, both land and recreation based, within the AONB and in the wider local economy that rely on and support the area’s special qualities. We are actively seeking new opportunities to work with businesses to develop high quality products and services that support the special qualities and the AONB brand.
Future Guardians of Cannock Chase
The Cannock Chase AONB and SAC Partnerships have joined forces to raise children and young people’s awareness and appreciation for the wonderful landscape they have on their doorstep and to encourage pro-environmental behaviours. Running over two financial years, the project will produce interactive learning resource materials for libraries, girl guides and scouts and Duke of Edinburgh participants. The content will inform, explain and inspire these ‘future guardians of the Chase’ about the international importance of the SAC and the wider AONB, the special qualities that define the area and define its sense of place, its vulnerabilities, and how we can all get involved to look after it.
A new toolkit is available to help local businesses appreciate the special qualities of Cannock Chase and how they can use a sense of place to develop and promote their products and services. The toolkit can be accessed by registering on the Cannock Chase AONB website and signing up to terms and conditions. Along with the toolkit, registered businesses will be able to use the new Cannock Chase logo, business locators, and a selection of stunning images – all for free! The toolkit has been designed around our new Cannock Chase place brand that captures the open landscape, freedom and sense of tranquillity of Cannock Chase in words and pictures.
Staffordshire Environmental Quality Mark
Businesses or organisations that want to demonstrate an enhanced level of commitment to Cannock Chase can apply for the Staffordshire Environmental Quality Mark.