Fixed Point Photography Project
We will continue to support the invaluable work of our volunteers to:
– Monitor changes in the landscape over time.
A Fixed Point Photography project has been running in Cannock Chase since 2005 to monitor changes in the landscape over time. Steve Welch set up the project and is still involved, co-ordinating volunteer photographers who take images twice a year at 56 points in and around the National Landscape.
This evidence helps to inform the AONB Management Plan and any land management interventions required in order to address a decline in landscape or habitat condition and enhance the landscape. The photographs are views from specific locations, but in many cases they are representative of the surrounding area and can reveal trends occurring more widely in the National Landscape. The point we most frequently highlight is the Peace vista, between the commonwealth and German Cemeteries. The view was formerly one of open heathland, but over time self-seeded pine tress have colonised and blocked the view.
Map of fixed point photography locations and their viewpoints (4 MB)