Monitoring the state of the AONB
We work with the statutory agencies, community grops, societies and the general public to:
Collect environmental and socio-economic data to provide insight and understanding.
Report against 14 key indicators that measure the state of the AONB.
Track progress on delivery of the AONB Management Plan.
The protection and management of the AONB is informed by an extensive evidence base about its environment, local communities and local economy.Collecting and analysing this data helps us to monitor the condition of the special qualities of the AONB. It enables us to detect trends and changes and the reasons behind them, so that we can target and prioritise our resources where they are most needed and continue to meet our core purpose to conserve and enhance this wonderful landscape.
West Midlands Ringing Group are working with us to carry out a survey of Nightjar and assessment of breeding success within Cannock Chase AONB.
Nightjar is unusual as it is a nocturnal bird, and as it is ground nesting it is sensitive to unintentional disturbance. It has been subject to a historical population decline across the UK, and the AONB holds a nationally important population associated with Cannock Chase’s lowland heath and open habitats resulting from forestry operations.
Partner organisations involved in the project include the RSPB, Staffordshire County Council and Forestry England. The results will help us to recommend management and strategies to conserve this enigmatic species.
Local wildlife sites
We have commissioned Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to undertake a series of habitat surveys to assess the condition of Local Wildlife Sites within Cannock Chase AONB. Local Wildlife Sites are sites of local importance containing most of the best remaining areas of semi-natural habitat in the county.
Fieldwork is well underway and initial findings suggest there are a number of opportunities to enhance and restore a range of sites supporting priority habitat types.
Assessing our scheduled monuments
We and our partners are working to set up Scheduled Monument monitoring across the AONB. We will be seeking to train individuals with our partner organisation Historic England to use appropriate methods of monitoring to undertake the work and set the frequency of any monitoring works.